

Welcome to Sullivan Global.

We believe that deliberate data collection and analysis are essential for creating a well-informed understanding of local markets and enabling smart decision-making.  We specialize in getting unique data from frontier and developing markets to help enable humanitarian assistance, economic development, and private investment.

We proudly support several humanitarian aid and assistance efforts through organizations such as the World Bank, as well as conduct more direct data collection and analysis for private sector investors, including global telecommunications firms, real estate development companies, and more. Our three primary activities lines include:

Needs & Opportunities Research – Sullivan Global’s local survey teams conduct in-depth interviews about emerging topics of interest in frontier markets such as population needs assessments, healthcare availability, and employment / education statistics.

IT & Cyber Surveys – Using the latest commercial software tools, our local employees map the digital spectrum in areas of interest around the globe to determine metrics such as user density profiles, ‘walkability’ and ‘livability’ for real estate investors, and other relevant, local measurements.

Localized Analysis – We perform analysis on a variety of topics in consultation with our team of global business and human development experts.

We also leverage our networks and connections to support the movement of goods and materials and meet the Information Technology (IT) needs of under-served communities.  Our partners include:

IT Partners:

Transportation & Logistics Partners: